Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lolita Part I- page 132

"Frigid gentlewomen of the jury! I had thought that months, perhaps years, would elapse before I dared to reveal myself to Dolores Haze; but by six she was awake, and by six fifteen we were technically lovers. I am going to tell you something very strange: it was she who seduced me." -Page 132

The 'anesthesia' from the purple pills had worn off. Dolores, wakes up with Humbert Humbert in the same bed as she and pretending to be asleep. She isn't freaked out, frightened, or even just a little surprised. Instead,
Dolores’ reaction is to kiss him and then have sex with him.

This really makes me question even further what is going on in Lolita’s head and that she may actually be the seducer more than Humbert. However, taking a step back, it appears that Humbert’s presentation of his defense is “working” on me, at least to a small extent. At this point in the novel, is Humbert’s defense “working” on you? Yes, pedophilia is wrong, disgusting, and loathesome, but do you  think that Humbert should hold all of the blame?

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